So, continuing the target of "I can show selflessness through my interactions with others", I had all of the kids' names in a bowl and I had each kiddo draw a name. They HAD to have someone else's name. And each day during the week, I did this so that they could have a different name. Each and every day, they had to do one nice thing for that individual without making it known that they were doing it. So being secretive was very important for this activity. Then, at the end of the day during advisory, the kids had to share on a piece of paper the nice thing someone in the class did FOR them. I was able to give them a grade based on this activity.
It was simple, easy, and really got the kids out of the comfort zone. If you are a community PSR, you could go to a store and do "random acts of kindness" for strangers - someone drops something on the floor, so the kiddo picks it up for them. Or they find a display knocked over, so they help pick it up. The possibilities are endless here!
No pictures for this one, as I think it is pretty self explanatory. :)